Monday, November 2, 2020

Reap the Benefits Of A Soft Answer

As a customer service rep and supervisor in a call center for over ten years, I train agents to control the customers' conversation using guiding questions. These questions would help avoid any extra lengthy discussion and direct the customers on their purpose for the call. Many times I would get demanding customers.

There is one biblical verse that I have utilized to this day regarding my response to demanding customers, coworkers, and people in general. And that's Proverbs 15:1, the preacher says these words, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." 

In my experience, this verse works wonders. My manager once said, "The louder they get, the lower my voice goes." 

In many instances, I've brought a resolution under challenging circumstances where customers had felt neglected and were on the precipice of anger. In taking heed to this one verse, I've de-escalated situations that could've led to physical altercations. I've also seen the flipside in what harsh words can produce. 

The wisdom of God gives us correct responses to life situations that would ultimately reap good fruit. Taking heed allows us to align ourselves in obedience toward God's will in our lives.  

Biblical examples: 

Abigail with David - 1 Samuel 25

Queen Esther with King Ahasuerus 

Monday, June 29, 2020

National Suicide Prevention

If you’re feeling anxious, depression or even suicidal thoughts please know first that there’s a Heavenly Father that created you in His image, that loves you and has real purpose in your life.
Please reach out to the people in your life that care for you and love you. Send me a text and I would more than love to listen.
There are experts too that can assist:
Just know that If this is you, God put it in my heart to let you know that He loves you and will see you through this tough time. Your story will be heard. YOU ARE LOVED.

Help is available
Speak with a counselor today

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Bible Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 4:16

Set Your Eyes On Jesus (Devotional)

In Matthew chapter 14 the disciples have set sail into heavy winds, and as their boat was beaten by the waves they noticed a ghostly figure. To their amazement and fright, it was the Lord Jesus miraculously walking on water. At this moment, the disciple Peter petitioned to meet the Lord and his request was granted. Yet, as soon as his eyes and attention turned to the tormenting winds, he became afraid, and consequently, he started to sink. This biblical passage provides many lessons but none more important than to keep your eyes on the Lord. Giving the power of attention to the worldly problems (the wind) only bears the fruit of fear, and as a result, brings you down (sink) spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Peter with a loud cry said, "Lord, save me," and immediately our good Lord reached out his hand and took hold of him. Jesus responded, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" In times of trouble think about this passage: don't doubt, set your eyes on Jesus, but if you are fearful and start to sink, cry to the heavens and He will reach out and save you.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Devotional : Opportunity For Good

Our Lord Jesus provides us with some incredible gems during his famous preaching sermon known to us as the Sermon on the Mount (Matthews Chapters 5-7). There are no doubt some head-scratching, controversial,  hard truths in His teachings, such as "bless those that persecute you" and "love those that hate you." This season offers us an opportunity to be examples of Christian living. The apostle Paul said in his letter to the Romans, Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Ask yourselves, amid the turmoil,
 how can Jesus be glorified through me?

Monday, June 15, 2020

Donation June 2020

On June 13, we went down to the Bowery Mission to drop off five bags of primarily women and children clothes. Unfortunately, they weren't taking these type of clothing articles. I asked what are the biggest needs right now, and he said that they are looking for men's clothing. These next six month I'm going to focus on campaigning for various men clothes. Eventually, we try around my neighborhood and ended up donating them to the Salvation Army

We Are All Of One Blood (Devotional)

Acts chapter 10 provides us with an in-depth look into God's master plan of restoration and salvation. Cornelius a man of the Italian band was a man who feared the Lord with all of his house. The first time that a gentile (non-Jew) was baptized and receive the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. Paul in his letters as the apostle of the Gentiles boldly recognizes that there is no difference between Jew or Greek (Gentiles). Today, we boldly say there’s no difference between Jews, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, or any other nationality. If we trace our nationality to its origin – We would trace it back to the first man ever created, Adam, making us all of one blood. And if we are all of the same blood that makes us family and with Jesus then God's family.  

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Know Justice Know Peace Tee

We aim to seek an education that will empower our brothers and sisters who demand social justice. We have seen too many black lives lost due to systemic racism deep-rooted in America's history.

"Know Justice" is understanding the core value of justice as God intended and not as men with a corrupt heart and clouded vision to execute true judgment. We seek a justice that shows mercy, and compassion. A justice that values human lives above monetary wealth, favoritism, and racial undertones.

"Know Peace" is the result of true justice in the heart of unrest. The protest will continue and should continue as long as we have a system that doesn't value humanity. A system that was founded in racism that has no place in the future of this country or anywhere else in the world.